Heritage Cirqa for Colleges
Heritage Cirqa works well for most small to medium sized resource centres and libraries, but it fits the college sector particularly well. By ‘colleges’ we mean a range of institutions in addition to FE and HE establishments. Other users include a large number of 6th form colleges and specialist institutions, such as medical libraries and theological colleges. Our users recognise that the appropriate mix of intelligent design, robustness and
price of Heritage Cirqa makes it ideal for contemporary colleges.
In short, Heritage Cirqa is fantastic value for money and a safe choice, because of our longstanding commitment to giving users what they need and supporting them to a very high standard. For more about what Heritage Cirqa does, see our Features List page for some selected functions and benefits.
Of the Top 20 colleges ranked in FE Week in 2019 all of the top 10 and 19 out of the 20 were Heritage users
Did you know our upgrades are free of charge?
We are one of the very few library system suppliers to include upgrades to the system free of charge within the standard support agreement: does your supplier offer that peace of mind? If not, then it is worth bearing in mind that upgrade charges with other suppliers could be a significant aspect of future running costs.

Addressing digital poverty in education
West College Scotland is addressing the question of digital poverty - where some students are disadvantaged by not having access to internet devices at home - with an ambitious roll-out of Chromebooks and laptops. The type of device students are assigned (Chromebook, Laptop etc) is determined by the course they attend, with the necessary software pre-loaded onto those devices (e.g. Adobe Suite, Sage etc).
Heritage Cirqa has all the facilities necessary to manage the loan of devices, even if the whole process occurs outside the library. The 'independent loan' facility doesn’t interfere with a user’s normal borrowing allowance adn the system is able to determine which device a student should be allocated and, using a simplified issue screen, the Student Services team can loan the device to the student for the duration of their course.
At the end of the year Heritage Cirqa can be used to produce notifications to request the devices back, and the normal overdues process can be used to chase those that haven’t been returned. It is also possible to produce a range of report related to the device loans.